Thursday, August 4, 2011

A work in progress

This is a piece that I started some time ago and I picked it up again to finish it. I am finding that I started several pieces several months ago, and now I can see them in a better light, after some time away. This one is also more complex just because I had more room to work. the other pieces were 2.5 x 3.5 inches, this one is 6 x6 inches. So, this is much bigger. I have several pieces I am working on now, trying to finish. This is the one that is furthest along at the moment. I like it because it definitely changes things up from some of the recent ones I have posted about. I have tried to mix in some different color patterns, as well as differnt shapes. This piece has a strong reflection of my trips to Panama. The ruins Old Panama, as well as the prevalence of the bright birds and the rainforest are both strong. I was strongly influenced by how amazed I was by visiting a country with a tropical rainforest for the first time. Spending time in the rainforest is an experience unlike any other...and I highly recommend everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to visit a tropical rainforest if they get the chance to. I will try to post more new stuff soon. It has been incredibly busy lately, so I have been slow the last couple of days.


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