Wednesday, June 15, 2016


I chose the title of this because it is indeed summertime, and that means a new art season for me, personally. I get a lot more free time and can do more work and more posting. It is also a time for reflection on my art, and the art of my family as well, since we all plan art projects together. It is often a challenge to be able to make art like I want to because of the complicated schedule that I keep, but I appreciate the fact that I do have designated time to produce art and share it with others. I am hoping that we are going to reach that next level very soon where it is more than just seasonal, but a concerted and consistent production all year round, starting this summer. It is the dream of every artist, of course, to make a living doing what they love to do. But then again, I would think it is a dream of everyone to do what they love to do and get paid for it, no matter what it is that they love to do. 

The picture above is a dragonfly created by my mother. Later this summer, we will host an event where you can see this picture, as well as so much more since we are planning an opening exhibition for Brown Artworks. We are very excited about this and working hard toward making it a reality. Details will be forthcoming soon. We are in the planning stages right now. We also truly appreciate everyone's support over the last several years as we have been developing our name and presence. It is difficult since most of us work full time jobs while we strive to make this dream real. However, any dream that is worth having is usually going to take hard work and persistence. But we want to thank everyone that has been part of our audience in one form or another. Whether you have read our blog, attended an event, bought a painting, or had a photo shoot done with us, or even something else - we want to thank you sincerely for your participation in what we do. All of our art does not mean nearly as much without our viewers, audience, and participants.

Summer is a joyous time for celebrating a lot. We want to share this celebration with you and we are working towards that event where we can all celebrate together. As we move forward with our dream, it is not just about showing and selling art work, but creating a community, starting discussions, and giving people opportunities to form relationships around art and artistic endeavors. We look forward to sharing this summer with all of you!
