Monday, April 13, 2015

Water and Stone: A Diversity of Perspectives

One of my series that has been ongoing is the "Water and Stone" series. I try to capture this comparison in a variety of ways. My professor and mentor from college, Marion Epting, helped me to look at the world through a particular lens, which comes from the simultaneous coexistence of opposites. The subject of water and stone can bring a variety of images and ideas to each viewer because of the universality of these two substances. We all bring a different experience with water and stone, depending on what path our lives have taken. For me, I grew up along the Sacramento River in northern California. I think this is where my first fascination with water started. I also grew up in the shadow of the Sierra Nevada. Having these two powerful images on my doorstep helped to create my background for where I have taken this series. I love the natural colors of stone and how the subtlety of water can contrast directly with the fierce and unyielding nature of rock. 

In the above picture, I love the colors that can be seen spread out across the stone's surface. In contrast, small stream of water flowing over the top of stone runs down and drops towards the ground, creating an amazing contrast that just captures my attention and defines the essence of water and stone for me. It is something that speaks on a subconscious level that is difficult to put into words. What I want is to have each viewer find a point in their own experience where they can identify with the essence of this picture, and any other picture in the "Water and Stone" series. 

The challenge of working in a series is trying to explore the nature of the issue at hand in different ways that are interesting and unique. In addition to that, it is an even greater challenge to let each picture stand alone, as well as in a group. One of the reasons it is important for me to make pictures that can stand alone, as well as work in a unified series. There is a story that goes on as you go through each piece, because they evolve over time. My vision of water and stone, as well as that of the simultaneous coexistence of opposites, changes as I work my way through the series and try looking at different ideas. 

This particular image is tries to capture the subtle relationship of water and stone, while some of the other images deal more directly of the interaction of water and stone in a more violent way because the water source comes from the ocean, not a trickle of water running towards the ground. A good piece of art will move the viewer to think about relationships and ideas. In this time of drought, I can't help but think about water very differently as I work through this series. It is my hope that a viewer will bring their own experience and use my image to help prompt further thinking about the subject of water and stone based on their own experiences. 

I will be posting more of these images in this series soon, so please stay tuned. 

Thanks for reading!


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