Saturday, July 27, 2013


Brown Family Artworks, featuring work by Esther Brown, Gisella Williams, Jesse Brown, and Liliana Navarro, will be showing at James and the Giant Cupcake in Oakland, CA. This is our second show with them. We are excited to be showing our work there. Like last year, we are having a raffle. In order to be entered in this year's raffle, here is what you have to do:
1. Send an email to
2. In the email, tell us that you want to subscribe to the email newsletter we are starting to put out next month.
3. After you do the first two things, you are automatically entered into the raffle. There is no need to buy a ticket, you just have to email and subscribe to the email newsletter.
All the information is in the flyer posted here, but let me go over a little bit of it. We will be having a meet and greet on Saturday, August 17, from 12-2 pm. Some of us will be there to meet people and talk about our work. Of course, James and the Giant Cupcake will be serving food as they usually do at that time - and it is quite outstanding food they have there, so that is even more reason to come! Lastly, we will be doing the raffle at that time.
Something to note about the raffle, we are encouraging people to enter, no matter where they live. The work will be delivered to the location, even if they live out of town or out of state or out of the country. So, please enter the raffle! We are excited to share this event with you. An online version of the show will go up after we install the show in Oakland. So, please stay tuned if you will not be in town. You can still see everything when you are not in town!
So, come by, support the show, and sign up for the raffle! Once again, email us at - your name gets entered after you email us and sign up for the email newsletter. Thanks for reading and supporting us!!
Jesse Brown

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